Monday, November 1, 2010

Ashley Pond Miranda Gaddis Murders

International K-9 Search and Rescue Service

PO Box# 30364, Portland, Oregon 97294 USA

Mobile (503) 705-0258.

Email: Web:

Integrity you can count on - Service you can trust.

I.K.9.S.A.R.S. Case: 2002-2146-076(A).


On 03-06-2002 I.K.9.S.A.R.S. was asked to enter the private search efforts for Ashley Pond.

Ashley Pond (Missing Person) DLS: 01-09-2002 Age 13. Height 5'03" 110lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes. Ashley attended Gardiner Middle School. Shoe size 7-1/2.

Lori Pond (Mother) Lives at Newell Creek Apartments S Beavercreek Rd. Oregon City, Oregon 97045.

Gardiner Middle School (Ashley's school). 180 Ethel St. Oregon City, Oregon 97045.

Ward Weaver (Friend of Lori's) Lives at 2507 Beavercreek Rd. Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Ward denies any wrong doing.

Miranda Gaddis (Missing Girl) DLS: March 08-2002. Last seen wearing: Black netting blue backpack, blue jeans, tennis shoes, dark blue shirt that said "HURLEY" on it.Miranda attended Gardiner Middle School.

Michelle Duffy (Miranda's Mother) Age 34.

Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. (Support investigative agency).

Oregon City Police (Initial investigating agency). (Lt. Mike Jarvis). (503) 496-1616.

National Missing Children's locate Center (Portland, Oregon). (503) 257-1308. Local missing children's locate center.

Federal Bureau of Investigations (Portland, Oregon). (Lead investigative agency). Portland office: 503-224-4181 1500 SW 1st Ave. STe. 400,

Oregon City Police Department 503-496-1690

OSP hotline: 1-800-282-7155

Harry E. Oakes Jr. (SAR Dog Handler / SAR Coordinator). Since 11/86, Mr. Oakes has documented #2649 missions, with 1197 documented finds assisted finds, of people, pets, suspect identifications, and evidence. Documentation of credibility in local court systems, search missions, and awards, on file for review at our office. This is a world record in # of search missions performed and successful finds in the history of search and rescue.

SAR Dog Valorie K-9-1. SAR Dog Valorie is a 7-1/2 year old, Border Collie, Schiperkee, Mutt Mix. Valorie has documented 2053 Missions with 884 documented finds assisted finds of people, pets, suspect identifications, and evidence. Photographs of both can be reviewed in People Magazine Nov. 30, 98 issue page# 61. Numerous finds made in both the Oklahoma City Bombing Disaster 1995, Honduras after Hurricane Mitch struck 1998, and in both of the Turkey Earthquakes in 8/99 and 11/99. Valorie has flown 142 times in cabin, without incident. SAR Dog Valorie is the first search dog ever to be allowed into Jamaica for a search mission.

Michelle Keating Mailing address: PO Box# 30364, Portland, Oregon 97294 Michelle has performed 61 missions around the world. She has documented finding 49 victims.

SAR Dog Yogi K-9-2. SAR Dog Yogi is a 5-1/2 year old Golden Retriever. Yogi is Michelle's third search dog. Yogi has performed 33 missions finding 49 victims.

03-04-2002 I sent Lori a letter asking her if she wanted I.K.9.S.A.R.S. assistance.

03-06-2002 Wed. I received a telephone call from Lori asking for I.K.9.S.A.R.S. assistance in her private search for her missing daughter. I talked with Ashley's mother Lori over the telephone. I set up a meeting with her at her parents house in Ore. City on Thurs.

03-07-2002 Thurs. Met with Lori and her sister at her apt. Instead of her parent's home. I did initial interview. Had Lori sign I.K.9.S.A.R.S. Services contract. I then collected handwriting samples from Ashley.

Photographed apartment, room, exterior entrance & exits. Worked on initial reports. Asked Lori to get her daughter's items from school locker.

03-08-2002 Fri. Worked on reports. Received call from Lori asking me to call her. Calls came in at 2230 and 0030 Sat.

03-09-2001 Sat. 0500Hrs. I called and left a message for Lori to call me back. Media released info. that another girl is missing from the same apartment complex. (Miranda Gaddis).

03-10-2002 Sun. I received a telephone call from Lori at 1300Hrs. asking me when we were going to be at her apartment? I worked on a reward poster for Ashley's mother. 1800Hrs. I met Michelle at Clackamas Town Center. At 1815 Hours Michelle and I met with Lori and her boyfriend James in their apartment. Also present was Ashley's sister, Breanna Pond. Michelle and I obtained scent articles (Pillow case and backpack) belonging to Ashley and I introduced SAR Dog Valorie to these items and stated, "Let's go find Ashely".

Michelle also introduced these same items to her SAR Dog Yogi. SAR Dog Valorie immediately tracked Ashley out of the apartment complex then north east down over a dirt embankment then south along the row of apartments where I could see someone had spent some time under one of the extended patios.

Then the track led back to the staircase that leads up to the main road. Ward Weavers House. That's where the track ended.

03-15-2002 Fri. 1127Hrs. I arrived at Ward's house and was met at the door by his son Alex. Alex asked me in after I id myself as a private search dog handler from Int. K-9 SAR Services looking for Ashley.

Alex called his father Ward on the telephone while Ward was at work. I talked with Ward over the telephone. Ward gave me verbal consent to search his property but he did ask for me to "Stay away from the freshly poured concrete as he just got it laid out on the ground over a month ago and didn't want it messed up".

SAR Dog Valorie gave me a death alert inside Ward’s house in the hallway off of Ashley Ponds scent. There was a lay down freezer in Ward’s kitchen. SAR Dog Valorie alerted to this large locked freezer. I tried to open it, Alex became extremely nervous stating “THERE’S NOTHING IN THERE” and “I don’t have a key to that my dad does”.

I re-introduced SAR Dog Valorie to Ashley's scent article and SAR Dog Valorie went to the main drive (Roadway) that leads from the apartment complex to Wards back door then over the cement behind Wards home.

He stated he had poured the cement over a month ago.

Ward had stated he was putting in a hot tub at this site. SAR Dog Valorie stopped her track of Ashley's scent at the back of Ward Weavers house. Valorie also alerted in the rear shed area. Both the shed and concrete slab area were 12-49 (Death Alerts) on Ashely's scent articles. In the rear shed were 6 fly strips loaded with DEAD FLIES all hanging over the top of numerous card board boxes. I felt there was a body here in this shed and so as not to destroy any evidence I backed off.

1215Hrs. I made contact with Lori at her apartment and we talked a little more about Lori filing a report with the Nat. Missing Children's Locate Center of Portland, Ore. Did search down in creek. Did interview with AP reporter.

03-17-2002 Sunday. 1430Hrs. I drove to Lori Ponds apartment complex. I introduced SAR Dog Valorie to Ashley's scent articles and Sigma Pseudo scent plus 30. SAR Dog Valorie again reestablished Ashley's scent trail NE down towards creek where SAR Dog Valorie gives off major stress - death alerts. A search of the immediate area revealed no new clues.

1615Hrs. SAR Dog Yogi started his track with his handler Michelle Keating at the PLS. I didn't tell Michelle anything about what SAR Dog Valorie had just completed doing as I wanted to see what SAR Dog Yogi would do in his search.

1630Hrs. I photographed SAR Dog Yogi performing his search and stress prob. death alerts NE of the apartment complex down in the creek.

1700Hrs. We drove accross Beavercreek rd and searched Fir Ct. next to Fred Meyers. There's a stand of trees on the S side. Both SAR dog Valorie and SAR dog Yogi alerted on coyote feces. I flagged the site and Michelle collected the sample in a plastic bag.

Upon examining the feces I found animal hair, bone fragments and two strands of human hair, Long and thin. and what appeared to be suture material. I cleaned and inspected this and then placed it in a paper envelope, sealed it and marked it with my initials and the date. Michelle Keating signed for custody of the poop and hair, and called the FBI.

They didn't want it. Michelle then called other agencies who continued to "Pass the buck" and didn't want the possible evidence. I then took possession of the possible human hair and will turn it in to the Oregon State Med. examiners' office on 03-19-2002. Our search dog teams have repeatedly found human remains in coyote poop. See "Dela Carlson Report Clatsop Co., Ore."

03-20-2002 1400Hrs. Enroute to search area.

1454Hrs. Started on the East side of Hwy 213 headed North. Found a dead deer and bird. Val did get one airscent alert. Winds swirling from canyon on the West side.

1545Hrs. West side of Hwy 213 down over embankment first level of canyon. Val found two HUMAN "Femur" bones. Fresh. These bones were very fresh. I marked the location with flagging, photographed the bones location and then collected them.

(Body recovered by OCPD after we argued with them that they were in fact human and not dead deer). They confirmed it was a missing person out of Portland, Ore. That's all they would tell us. This area searched twice by ground teams and search dogs from Ore. State SAR teams.

1715Hrs. completed search of Hwy 213. East and West Sides. Val still wanted to head North along #213. Found nothing. Turned every thing, report on CD, hair, bones, to Oregon City PD Evidence Collection officer. 1800Hrs. 10-7.

These were later determined to be HUMAN and not the remains of Ashley or Miranda. ”A person missing from Portland is all we were told”. This is why the search dogs Valorie and Yogi had been alerting around the wooded area. This area was searched by Oregon State Certified Search Dogs and other teams 7 times according to the Sheriff’s Dept. They had found nothing.

Michelle Keating K-9-2 with SAR Dog Yogi. 03-10-2002. After meeting with Lori, James, and Breanna, and introducing the scent articles, Yogi and I searched the apartment complex, concentrating on stairways, garages, dumpster areas.

After searching the area, Yogi searched in Lori’s vehicle: White four door hard top, Hyundai Ore. Yogi first tracked out of the apartment complex then north east towards a dirt embankment. Since Harry was already following that scent, I took Yogi out to the parking lot and concentrated on searching the garages. Yogi went to several apartment doors along the way. The complex driveway is in a circular shape and we followed the scent up to a stairway leading out of the complex towards Beavercreek road. Yogi stopped midway up and did a strong stress alert and ate grass.

Yogi continued up the stairway through some small woods alongside a parking area and wanted to cross Beavercreek road. We went back into the woods where a lot of garbage has been dumped and a muddy road goes through. Whenever we went to the edge of the embankment, Yogi pulled down towards the complex and did a stress alert.

We walked back down the stairway and when we went past the apartment buildings closest to the canyon, Yogi went past the buildings towards the canyon. We walked past garages and Yogi didn’t have much interest in them.

03-17-2002.Yogi and I searched the creek area going west. He gave major stress alerts on a grassy area next to the creek. That was an area where very light winds were swirling. We crossed the creek and went uphill along a dirt (mud) road. Yogi didn’t alert along the road, but kept looking toward the creek.

Going back down the road and crossing the creek, we proceeded uphill toward the apt. complex to search the brushy area that had a rain-filled fire pit and evidence of heavy use (packed mud area around the pit, places to sit). Yogi went to the creek beyond the area, but did not alert. We drove to the area east of and behind Fred Meyer’s. Yogi kept wanting to go back towards Beavercreek road when I asked him to find Ashley, but immediately alerted on some coyote feces that had hair and bone in it. The brushy (fir trees and thick berry vines) area had numerous animal trails and lots of coyote feces.


* One envelope containing animal (coyote) feces, with animal hair, three strands of human hair, one strand of suture cord. "What appears to be suture cord".

* Attached Photos on disc. of I.K.9.S.A.R.S. Search dogs searching and giving death alerts in creek bed.

*Harry Oakes and Michelle Keatings training, testing, and work documentation record.

*Search Dog Valorie’s and Search dog Yogi's training, testing, and work documentation record.

*SAR Dog Valorie documented finding 10 victims dead in the Oklahoma City Bombing. (Check your own FBI records on this report).

*SAR Dog Yogi and SAR Dog Valorie documented finding 25 victims dead in the mud, rubble, structure collapses, in Honduras after Hurricane Mitch struck. (Check with the Tegucigalpa Fire Dept Commander). *SAR Dog Valorie documented finding 71 victims dead and 14 victims buried alive in both of the 1999 Turkey Earthquakes. (Check with the Turkish American Conciliate and military on this report).

*Oregon Department of Justice 1997 Audit of Mr. Oakes files show that his record keeping is accurate.

*Miami Office of the FBI established Mr. Oakes' credibility before using his search dog services in Jamaica on the Claudia Kirshoch case. During the actual search in Jamaica, the Miami's FBI's office forensics team established that "After SAR Dog Valorie alerted on a suspect's vehicle, they found hair and fibers belonging to Claudia Kirshoch. Establishing credibility to SAR Dog Valorie's alerts. Senior FBI Agent Mike Bonner witnessed Val's alerts and track.

*Clark Co. District Attorney's Office Vancouver, Washington established Mr. Oakes as an expert witness in a court of law regarding scent, scent evidence and training, testing, and working search dogs on crime scenes. (State of Washington, Clark County VS. K. Beeson Case. (Kidnapping Charges).

*Copies of Search Warrants issued in Arkansas, Tennessee, Oregon, Washington, Ohio, and Jamaica, based on Harry's search dogs and scent evidence available upon request.

1). Strongly suggest Police to reinterview Ward Weaver ref: the alerts SAR Dog Valorie is giving on the cemented area behind Wards house and the shed area. Search the laydown freezer inside Ward’s kitchen for Miranda. Also search the nearby shed behind ward’s house.

Get the FBI agents off the hwy's with the missing kids photos and put them to work doing field interviews with all of the street kids in Eugene, Portland, Salem, along the Oregon and California coast looking for any possible witnesses.

If the police establish that a tip might be highly probable, send a search dog to the (sighting) area of the missing kids and see if the dog alerts and establishes a track. If it does, then this is a confirmed sighting. If it doesn't then the police would be wasting their money, efforts, and time working on this lead.

Pull the phone records of the home and cellular services for incoming and outgoing calls from both Ashley and the other missing child, their parents records and interview the callers.

If the poop is determined to have human hair inside, perform DNA to see if it belongs to either of the missing girls. If it is establised that any of the hair does belong to one of the missing kids, then call us and we'll go back in and find the remains. Especially since all the State Certified SAR Dog teams couldn't find anything.


Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr. K-9-1.

International K-9 Search and Rescue Handler Instructor. BPST# 9863.
1-cc- OCPD.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------International K-9 Search and Rescue Service
PO Box# 30364, Portland, Oregon 97294 USA
Office: (503) 618-0497 Mobile (503) 705-0258.
Email: Web:
Integrity you can count on - Service you can trust.
To: Senator Wyden,
I'm writing this letter to ask your direction in this whole matter.
March, 8, 2002, I.K.9.S.A.R.S. was brought in privately by Lori Pond to help her find her daughter after the local police, FBI, and Certified search dog teams repeatedly and reportedly failed to find any clues. We repeatedly find missing people and especially children when other resources have failed. We do this on a volunteer basis though we are a professionally paid SAR team. Often through the National Missing Children's Locate Center of Portland, Ore.

In March of 2002, we found where Ashley remains were buried and, that she was dead, and I reported this to the FBI and OCPD by emails and a written report. Nothing was done. I wrote to you after the 19 year old girl was raped by Ward Weaver in his home. If you remember I suggested the ,"FBI dig up Ashley's remains and use ground penetrating radar". Four days after I wrote you my letter, all of this was done and the girls remains were recovered and Ward will remain off the streets forever (Hopefully).

Now I've been approached by several law firms to file a "Wrongful death" law suit against the FBI, OCPD and the Oregon State Sheriff's Association ref: their K-9 certification process for Miranda's death which could have been prevented if the Law Enforcement teams had listened to me back in March and April. Also a discrimination suit against the OSSA for it's testing standards.

I'm seriously considering these law suits, knowing full well that if our team had been brought in to perform the search back in Jan. 2002 when Ashley disappeared, we would have successfully tracked Ashley's scent to Ward's home, identified that Ashley was killed, that Ward Weaver did the killing, and where Ashley was buried. Thus Ward would have been in custody, Miranda life would have been spared and the 19 year old girl would not have been subject to a horrible rape by Ward Weaver. If we did this in March (Which we did), we could have done it earlier in Jan.

The attorney's and I.K.9.S.A.R.S. can prove that the OSSA tester Marty Neiman bragged on the Lars Larson show that "No matter what test Oakes takes, he (Marty) would see that he failed it". We have this statement from Moba Media files. This is an open discrimination against Oakes. We can prove that when Oakes took the test for Cadaver that Marty set Oakes up to fail. There was no psuedo scent (Scent of a dead body) in the scent tubes and the scent tubes were not proper size, standard size for testing. Marty couldn't even find where he buried his three tubes. On the two he did find, there was no Pseudo scent in the tubes. This verified by Oakes and Pam Morgan.
We can prove that before Marty Neiman came into Oregon and before Oregon established the OSSA K-9 Testing standards, that Mr. Oakes and his teams repeatedly were successful at finding live and dead persons (All documented and accepted in the court rooms for expert testimony and search warrants). Documented by Polk Co. Clackamas Co, Clark Co., Yamhill Co. Sheriff's Departments and Washugal, Lake Oswego, and Ridgefield City Police Departments.

We can prove to any jury that after Marty claims Oakes "Failed the OSSA tests" and "Wasn't qualified to find anyone dead or alive", that Oakes totally discredited Marty and the OSSA test by traveling to Turkey twice, using his own money to travel to this stricken country, taking his own time off work, donating his K-9 USAR services, and with his search dog Valorie, finding 14 live and 71 dead buried victims in the two earthquakes. All findings witnessed, documented and reported to the American Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey.

We can prove that OSSA testers discriminate against those dog handlers who they don't like and that I.K.9.S.A.R.S. testing and certification process is exactly the same as National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR). and, that our standards allow us to be successful and certified to perform K-9 SAR just like 191 other K-9 SAR teams throughout the USA.

That the OSSA K-9 standards have continued to be substandard as the OSSA Certified teams have failed to find their last 20 missing persons, where each person was found by a civilian or other search team in the original search area. One a 2 year old child walking only 3/4 of a mile away in the woods a few weeks ago on Mt Hood. Another one, a young girl missing on Mt Bachelor in Feb. 2002, and later found dead only 300 feet away from the point last seen. Another one Ashley Pond buried in behind Ward's house. The FBI brought in Lane Co. K-9 SAR, NW K-9's and Search One K-9 Detection teams. All teams Certified to be able to find dead victims. All teams failed to find Ashley or Miranda's remains in back of Wards' house on 5 seperate searches. Totally discrediting themselves and giving police false information to proceed with. Thus allowing Ward to kill Miranda after killing Ashley.

Here's our proposal. Let me know what your thoughts are.

1). You write some laws to change SAR in Oregon. Forcing the police to do their own search, then after they have failed to find the victim(s) within a specific time period, they are to forward an updated list issued by the Oregon Dept of Emergency Management of private K-9 resources, man tracking teams and other SAR teams available to help the family.We tried this in the 1991 session with HB 3093 and it failed. Though it was supported by the Oregon State Police, Oregon Firefighters Association, Oregon Nurses Association and Mountain Rescue Council, the OSSA didn't want anyone telling them how to do their job and they had two paid lobbyists fighting against it.

2). Another thought is to suggest the police call I.K.9.S.A.R.S. teams in privately to work with their own detectives on missing persons cases. This solves several of our complaints. First we would be used effectively. Second we are more successful then any dog team in the State of Oregon and would bring closure to the search efforts thus saving lives and money for the search efforts.

Also the sheriff's or local police would control what information would go out to the families, friends, public and media. We never talk about any searches if we're called in by law enforcement as it's their case. They get the credit and all is completed to the Law enforcements request.

3). Last let the sheriff's do their own search, then if they fail to find the victim(s), accept I.K.9.S.A.R.S. credibility and call in our own teams. We are the most experienced documented K-9 team in the state of Oregon. I don't want this to go to a law suit. It hurts everyone involved and there are no winners. It also may affect the outcome of the murder cases against Ward Weaver.

Please respond to our request for assistance within 30 days.
Thank You
Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr.
1-cc files.
To: Oregon State Sheriff's Association
Oregon Department of Justice
The Oregon FBI Office.
Oregon Dept of Emergency Management.
Ref: Oregon State Search Dog Certification, Search One K-9 Detection Team, Marty Neiman.
I am asking the Oregon State Search Dog Council, The Oregon State Sheriff's Association, Oregon's Dept of emergency management, and the Oregon DOJ, to investigate Marty Neiman's and the OSSA SAR Dog teams, claims of certification and qualifications for the following reasons.

It's report by the media and through the various sheriff's departments that Marty Neiman and, or his team members have gone into search areas and found nothing on numerous occasions. Repeatedly we've been called in privately regarding the same searches, and we have found the victim(s) dead in the Oregon State Certified Search dog handler's original search area. (Refer to our attached summary of cases.) The OSSA Cert. Search dog handlers have proven to be a liability to search efforts using their dog teams.

Lane Co. K-9 SAR and Search One K-9 Detection among other NON PROFIT Oregon Teams are accepting non profit funding and grants under the pretense that they can perform search and rescue activities as they claim. When in fact they have proven again that they are not credible in the least.

We feel that the OSSA dog teams that have worked on the Ashley Pond - Miranda Gadis search, misled top police officials to include the district attorney, the FBI and OCPD, by telling them Ashley Pond’s scent was not under the slab behind Ward Weaver's home. With their statements regarding their findings or lack there of, the State Certified" SAR dog handlers, proved to the world the OSSA SAR Dog Certification and testers, their lack of any credibility. With the repeated searches of the concrete slab in back of Ward Weavers rented home, with the repeated claims by Certified dog teams that there was no body underneath this slab, those that performed the searches brought disgrace to all search dogs and their handlers who have proved not consistently.

We are also requesting an investigation into why the OSSA certified SAR dog team members failed to find Ashley Pond’s remains. They were unable to find the remains and instead of supporting other efforts to solve this case, they criticized our abilities. Continued political bad-mouthing by Marty on the Lars Larson radio talk show, and to other Law Enforcement agencies, obstructed any possibility of positive search action, resulting from our finds. When the FBI dug up Ashley Pond's remains where my search dog Valorie and I tracked them in March of 2002, my expertise was proven again. There is no law enforcement agency in the world that can no longer deny my credibility and "Certification" to find live and dead people.

This isn't the first time this has happened. I have attached a summary of some of the cases we have solved when Search One has completed their search and found nothing. As well, we've frequently obtained search warrants based on our search dogs’ findings. We are truly puzzled as to why a search warrant was not issued in response to our dogs’ findings on Ward Weaver’s property. Especially since we've been successful recently with the FBI Miami Office and in the past with the Oklahoma Office.

Here's a documented list of some of our (Oakes’ and his teams’) findings of scent evidence and findings of missing people when others are unable to find them. Following the listing are some letters from families for whom we’ve found their loved ones. For a more complete listing of our cases, refer to our website

Our credibility continues to hold up in the court room where it really counts. District Attorney's, judges, and others involved in issuing search warrants and granting admissibility in the court room my testimony as an Expert Witness regarding scent, scent evidence, search dog training, testing and documented finds continues to speak for itself. And will speak for itself when I bring a large civil suit against the OSSA, Marty Neiman, and others for their attacks against me personally and my credibility. I can promise all of you that a law suit will be in the works as we speak unless immediate changes are made and our credibility is accepted.

Oregon Law enforcement obtained a huge "BLACK EYE" because they believed in listening persons who over the last three years have proven they are all talk and not credible. Instead of investigating who really is credible, We who have consistently provided results all over the world on live and dead missing person since 1997. With each search we document the Who, What, When, Why, and How as we've done since 1986 when we first started working in K-9 SAR.

Oregon Law enforcement needs to protect itself from the dog handlers who have recently showed they can't do their jobs. Credibility isn't in the testing, it isn't in the training, it's in the final results that speak for themselves. All the other stuff can be tampered with and manipulated at the price of human life. We have proof which will hold up in the courtroom that this has been done. Results speak for themselves. The OSSA Cert dog teams have been an embarrassment in this last 20 searches, the latest reported search being for a missing 2 year old on Mt Hood two weeks ago and the snow boarder who the teams couldn't find 300 feet away from the point last seen among numerous other searches.

I am now demanding the OSSA and the state of Oregon DEM, give handlers Harry Oakes and Michelle Keating, with their search dogs, state SAR Dog certification under our own international certification process which we've followed since 1989. This after proving to the members of the OSSA, the District Attorney and the FBI and OCPD, and the general public, that we are more then able to locate both live and dead victims, perform area searches, respond to disasters, and find live and dead human victims and identify suspects through scent evidence.

Please don't let another human life be lost to the politics and egos that we've seen recently.
If nothing else, give the families of the missing person(s) a list of private resources they can turn to when your OSSA teams have failed to find their loved ones. And, don't kick out the private teams off of their search efforts when we prove more productive and obtain results after your teams can't.

NOTE: When ever we are brought in by Law Enforcement agencies, we've never ever performed any press releases without their expressed approval of what information was to be released.

We know how to work as team members. Something it appears your law enforcement folks need to learn.
Thank you
Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr.

For MSNBC's story go to :

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