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International K 9 Search and Rescue Services.
Office of Emergency Management
P.O. Box # 1472 Longview, Wa. 98632
Office 360-414-8093 Mobile 503-705-0258
Email: searchdog@iinet.com Web: www.k9sardog.com
I.K.9.S.A.R.S. Case # 2010-6608-355.
On 11-18-2010, I.K.9.S.A.R.S. performed a private search for a missing person near Detroit Lake, Oregon. USA.
Bend Police Dept. (Investigating agency)
Marion County Sheriff’s Department
Lori Blaylock (Missing person) SEE BPD Notice re: Description.
Harry Oakes (Dog Handler) SAR Dog Willow K-9-1 SAR Dog Tyler K-9-1A.
On 11-15-2010 BPD and M.C.S.O. asked for the public’s help to find Lori.
On 11-18-2010 0630hrs. I drove to Hwy 22 Santiam River via I-5 and checked
Santiam Flats.
I introduced both search dogs Willow and Tyler to Sigma Psuedo scent minus 30 days, and gave my Search dogs the work command “Go find the body”.
Both search dogs gave minor alerts at the river’s edge.
Winds from the west at 15 mph. Rain mixed with snow. Temp 34F.
I worked East up river to Bruno Mt Rd. Strong Death alerts by both search dogs independent of one another along the waters edge. Santiam River.
1115hrs. Hwy 22 MP 65 More Alerts coming from upstream. Dogs very depressed and alerts were extremely strong.
1130 USFS Rd 2234 and Hwy 22 More alerts coming from Up river.
1345hrs. MP 69 No Alerts. Winds shifted direction.
1930hrs. Returned to office and wrote this report.
Based on SAR Dog Willow and SAR Dog Tylers tracking record, there is less then a .0001% chance that they are wrong on their alerts.
1). My report and testimony regarding scent, scent evidences, my search dogs
track is admissible in any court of law.
Search dogs give three types of alerts. Live, stress, or dead.
Live alert. Dogs ears are up, tails up, dog smiling, happy, barking,
Stress alert. Dog’s ears up, tail half way down, dog barking.
Death alert. Dog’s ears down, very sad, emotionally upset, tail down, dog
whining. Eating grass to settle their upset stomachs.
Harry Oakes (K9 dog handler) 11-18-2010. With the search conducted on
11-18-2010, this searched showed me that both search dogs are indicating
on a dead human and the scent is being carried by the river currents down stream.
This does not mean the deceased victim is in the water. With the rain and snow, the water runoff can carry the death scent down to the river from the victim’s position and cause the dogs to alert in the water. Neither search dog would drink from the water. Both search dogs would give their standard death alert regarding dead humans. Both have documented finding live and dead humans before today’s search.
Since I don’t have a scent article belonging to Lori Blaylock there is no way to know whether this is Lori’s death scent or someone else dead in the area.
If this is Lori’s scent the search dogs are alerting on and if she is in fact in the water, her remains should be surfacing within the next 5 days unless she caught in a strainer or debris pile.
Have your local search teams walk this section checking for human remains thrown over a steep embankment along hwy 22 or into the Santiam River. Start from MP 70 and work down to 64.
Or give me access to the scent article of Lori so that I can qualify if this is her death scent or someone else’s the search dogs are alerting on.
Mr. Harry E. Oakes Jr. K-9-1.
International K-9 Search and Rescue Coordinator.
Handler / Instructor. BPST#9863.
1-cc- Files.
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