From: International K9 Search and Rescue Services
PO Box# 1472 Longview, Washington 98632 USA
Office; 360-414-8093
Mobile: 503-705-0258
To: Marion County Sheriff’s Department Attention Homicide Detectives
C/O PO Box 14500 Salem, OR 97309
Bend Police Dept. attention Homicide Detectives C/O BPD 711 N.W. BONO ST.
Bend, OR
RE: Finding Lori Blaylock's remains.
In the news you are asking for the public’s help in locating Lori’s remains.
I’m going to give you some suggestions and I hope you listen to me. This may help resolve your search efforts for Lori.
First there may have been enough scent that escaped from the Isuzu Trooper and or the Utility trailer that your suspect Steven Blaylock drove for a search dog to track the scent escaping from the vehicle / trailer.
As a person drives along scent escapes. Depending on the year and make of vehicle there may be a lot of scent or very little scent escaping along the drive route.
To follow Lori’s scent trail escaping from the suspects vehicle, get an uncontaminated scent article belonging to Lori and have the search dog handler introduce it to a scent discriminating tracking dog.
Then track the scent from the residence (PLS) Point last seen and see where the scent trail ends. Drive to each intersection and trust the dog. Follow the route to the end.
This is a long process and safety is the # 1 factor here for the dog and handler.
If the scent trail of Lori ends in the N. Santiam River as you are putting out there for the public to search, then have your dog work from Detroit lake up stream. He / she get’s out of their vehicle with their search dog and lets them smell the river. One search up river every mile from the Detroit lake.
If Lori’s remains are in the water or even near the water, the search dog will alert.
Then you will know her remains are upstream from that location. Work up stream until the search dog quit’s alerting and that is your area of highest probability.
If there are no alerts then either you have bad information or you are searching in the wrong area.
If this technique doesn’t work then get the scent of your suspect and try doing the same thing.
Work from Detroit lake. If he spent any time burying her remains or weighting her down so she wont surface, then his scent will be escaping from the victim and the crime scene as well.
I’ve used both these techniques in the past to find remains of the victim and or to track the suspect’s route.
I hope this helps.
If you need our services let me know and we’ll be happy to send you a contract for services agreement.
Mr. Harry Oakes
Forensic Scent evidence instructor.
SAR Coordinator.
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